GIS dan Srbija

Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu organizuje GIS Dan Srbija 18. novembra 2015., događaj ( koji se svake godine obeleževa širom sveta.GIS Dan okuplja GIS profesionalce, korisnike, edukatore, studente i sve ostale koji imaju interesovanja u GIS-u, sa ciljem da promoviše primenu, razvoj i istraživanje u oblasti geoinformacionih sistema i tehnologija i demonstrira njihov potencijal da transformišu i poboljšaju okruženje i društvo u kome živimo.

GIS Dan Srbija 2015 je treći u nizu događaja ovog tipa u Srbiji (prvi je održan 2013. godine na Rudarsko-geološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, a drugi 2014. godine na Elektronskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu). Program ovogodišnjeg skupa je koncipiran kao forum za razmenu iskustava svih onih koji se bave GIS-om u Srbiji, kako edukacijom i istraživanjem, tako i u profesionalnim i komercijalnim primenama.

Planirano je da jedan deo događaja bude konferencijskog tipa, sa prezentacijama GIS profesionalaca i GIS edukatora, a drugi deo događaja prezentacija i promocija GIS tehnologija, alata i softverskih rešenja za studente. Neke od tema će pokriti načine podučavanja studenata GIS tehnologijama na fakultetima u Srbiji, dok će druge biti vezane za realizovane projekte.

Pozivaju se student osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija da prezentuju svoje radove i istraživanja u vidu postera. Najbolji posteri će biti nagrađeni.

GIS day Serbia

Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade organizes GIS Day Serbia on 18th of November 2015. an international event ( GIS Day brings together GIS professionals, users, educators, students and all others who have an interest in GIS, with aim to promote practise, development and research in the area of geoinformation systems and technologies and to demonstrate their potential to transform and improve the environment and the society we live in.

GIS Day 2015 Serbia is the third in a series of events of this type in Serbia (the first was hold in the year 2013 at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade and the other in the year 2014 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš). The program of this year's conference is conceived as a forum for exchange of the experiences of all those who deal with GIS in Serbia in the field of education and research as well as in professional and commercial applications.

The one part of the event is planned as the conference, with presentations of GIS professionals and educators and the second part of the event is reserved for presentation and promotion of GIS technologies, tools and software solutions for students. Some of the topics will be related to teaching GIS and Geoinformation technologies at Belgrade University while others will be related to realized projects.

Students also have the opportunity to present results of their research work, PhD, master or bachelor thesis through the poster session. The best posters will be awarded.




Organizacioni odbor

  • V. Prof. dr Branislav Bajat, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Doc. dr Željko Cvijetinović, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Doc. dr Milan Kilibarda, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Asist. Momir Mitrović, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Asist. Uroš Đurić, dipl. inž. geol.
  • Asist. Stevan Milić, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Asist. Nenad Brodić, dipl. inž. geod.
  • Asist. Aleksandar Sekulić, dipl. inž. geod.
